Customer Relationship Management and SaaS Solutions

Solving Problems with SaaS

SaaS Software as a Service :: CRM Software Solutions :: Software as a Service Providers :: Working More Effectively :: Solving Problems with SaaS

One of the biggest problems for all small businesses is finding solutions to general problems. Technology, at it’s best, should be the solution to a problem rather than a problem in itself. Software as a Service (SaaS) has been designed specifically to help businesses become more streamlined, efficient and to allow you consistent communication with your staff, clients and customers.

The SuiteDash® client portal gives you the power to create secure areas on your site that are uniquely permissioned to specific customers or clients. The client portal works intuitively so that you and the client are comfortable working within the environment. When you invite a client into the SuiteDash® portal, you are investing in them a feeling of inclusion in your organization.

It is possible to create as many client areas as you wish, within a SaaS application, and they are presented with their own customized dashboard when they login. From there they can access everything that they are given permissions for, such as private pages and galleries, the ability to upload or download files, view tasks and reminders, view projects and much more.

Finding the correct CRM Software

In the past project management was often vague and uncertain, particularly for members of staff. With Software as a Service projects are handled more easily and can be broken down into methodical, organized steps, which helps all team members. You can create projects that integrate not only your clientele but also specific staff members. Filters, tagging and associations make organizing and displaying necessary projects powerfully simple.

Customer relationship management (CRM) has typically been problematic in business. Treating your customers with the respect they deserve is now a lot easier because SuiteDash® helps you keep them and all their information organized and secure in one location. Not only can you keep all vital information safe but you can view notes of every interaction with them.

SuiteDash® is absolutely invaluable when it comes to task management. Not only can you easily include your staff in projects, you can also quickly assign tasks, set reminders, send alerts, and more. Even better, each action you take can be assigned or permissioned to one, several, or all users. SaaS task creation is simple, and the assignee of the task will receive notification immediately, avoiding unnecessary repetition of tasks.

Working More Effectively with SaaS

The advantages of Software as a Service are that your estimates, invoices and contracts can be generated, customized, delivered and paid, all from within SaaS operations such as SuiteDash® thus eliminating the need to use separate solutions for this task. Creating an estimate from scratch to send to a client has never been easier. You receive a message once the client approves and you can then easily turn that estimate into an invoice. By having your clients submit via the Work Request feature, you can direct them to submit the information that you’ll need. No more incomplete requests that force you to go back to the client multiple times with questions.

It is critical for business owners to find every possible way of making their company work as efficiently as possible. There is a solution to working more effectively and it is called SuiteDash®. Now is the time to stop wrestling with technology and let Software as a Service work for you.

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This article highlights how to work more effectively and efficiently by incorporating SaaS (Software as a Service) into your business. SaaS improves your project management and customer relationship management. It also improves your billing and invoicing capabilities. SaaS is a perfect one browser software solution for small business owners.

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